"Hyun Zi Ji Dan can cure all kinds of incurable diseases and live and die; Xuanqing Jidan changed the classics and changed the pulse to increase ten penance skills, but it can be restored to the true yuan and promoted to repair. If the purple and blue double-Dan become the same, it will surge for a hundred years, and it will be possessed … "Recalling that when the master himself talked about this purple and blue extremely Dan, all kinds of Chu Yu’s hands holding jade bottles trembled slightly with excitement.

"This furnace of purple and blue extremely Dan has been in trip worthwhile." Picking up the mood, Chu Yu put a purple and blue extremely Dan jade bottle into a nine-python setting bracelet, followed by focusing on the huge Dan…

"Don’t worry, I promise you."

Qin Huan-erh is almost swearing. "That’s good-does the boss have a roast suckling pig? Come and give me one! " With a smile turned and shouted Ma Qinhuan smiled happily. Happy supper is not enough for humanity. It’s like a…